
Learn how to delight customers, address them in an emotionally intelligent way, better understand feelings through the interpretation of facial expressions and gestures.


Emotional Sales Intelligence

Our emotional sales intelligence training is based on the latest findings in brain research and provides you with the key skills to succeed in sales. We will show you how you can sell better with mindfulness and value orientation and thus build valuable customer relationships.


Emotionally Intelligent Coaching

We also accompany your team directly at the point of sale (POS) during ongoing operations and provide immediate feedback. For sales representatives, we offer guided tours and trade fair visits. This successful method makes it possible to immediately identify potential opportunities for change and to make them tangible in practice.


Facial Resonance

Our training courses in mimic resonance will help you to recognize feelings and understand people better. Emotional intelligence is key to successful interpersonal relationships, and that includes the ability to empathize. Facial resonance focuses on the interpretation of facial expressions, gestures and body language signals.

From Hubert Enser-Laaber und Erwin Oppermann (available in German only)

Emotional Sales Intelligence

Sell better with mindfulness and value orientation.
We have many years of experience in the area of “emotional sales intelligence” and published a book on this topic.
  • Der Verkäufer als Person und Persönlichkeit
  • Verkaufsphilosophien und Verkaufsorganisation
  • Wie Kaufentscheidungen getroffen werden
  • Achtsam verkaufen – achtfacher Nutzen
  • Limbische Kundentypen, limbische Verkaufsstile
  • Die Dramaturgie des emotionalen Kauferlebnisses

Available at your bookstore or on
ISBN 978-3-658-05671-1