Mystery Tools
From our service portfolio, we will work together to select the right instrument for your individual situation. In our mystery analyses, observations are recorded in detailed, unadulterated experience reports and transmitted digitally. You’ll get authentic, honest feedback in no time. Immediate recommendations for action can be derived from this. Your personal contact persons are always at your side with advice and support.
Mystery Shopping
Our mystery shopping service is designed to turn your customers into enthusiastic fans. We use experienced testers who evaluate your customer interactions according to a predefined questionnaire and provide valuable feedback. This way, you can optimize your customer experience and increase customer loyalty.
We are a member of the World Association of Mystery Shopping Providers (MSPA)
Mystery Guesting
We collect authentic customer experience on site in hotels, apartments and restaurants. Our trained testers act as inconspicuous guests and evaluate aspects such as service quality, cleanliness and atmosphere. This helps you continually improve your offering and customer loyalty.
Mystery Calling
We analyze various phone interactions with your customers. Our testers simulate real-life calls and evaluate the quality of customer service to ensure that your customers are always taken care of professionally and satisfactorily. Based on this, we create individual training concepts.
POS Check
Our Point of Sale Checks provide a comprehensive check of your sales and presentation locations, such as exhibition stands.We analyze the effectiveness of your presence, the implementation of your marketing strategies and interactions with potential customers to ensure that you perform optimally at each point of distribution.